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Friday, 18 April 2014

12 sided One Pound Coin

The Royal Mint issues new One Pound Coin for 2017

Thanks to the ease of being able to forge the current pound coin, and there being around 45 million forgeries in circulation, The Royal Mint has decided to introduce a new 12 sided pound coin, based on the iconic Threepenny Bit. 

Described as 'a leap into the future' the new coin uses the latest in anti forgery technology. However, there is doubt for many businesses who operate machines such as; drinks machines, parking meters, shopping trollies and so on. Every mechanism in these will have to be changed at a cost of thousands to operators. The old 'round' pound coin is 30 years old and very vulnerable to counterfeiting. 

Therefore, The Royal Mint has said it now time to retire the old coin and replace it with something that can take the UK's economy into the future. It will have a similar structure to that of the current £2 coin. Using two metals and a new bank-note strength security feature pioneered at Royal Mints headquarters in Llantrisant Wales. It is being heralded as the most secure coin in the world...

What do you think? Comment below and let us know what you think of the new design.